Wednesday 22 June 2011

About a girl....

She was grace in name and in essence
To those she loved she exuded strength
Life,laughter and light,
But to me sorrow because no matter how hard I tried I couldn't keep her away from the bright lights of city and lure of men
She caused me a lot of pain....
The thought of loosing her killed me
But then every time we were together, all the pain & worry disappeared
It's was replaced by joy serenity and ecstasy....
Nothing from the first day I saw her and no one that has happened to me since,
Has ever been as frightening and as confusing.
For no person I've ever known has ever done more to make me feel more assured, insecure, happy, sad, thankful, excited, important and very significant...
You're best thing that ever happened to me, and for that I'm thankful.

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