Wednesday 22 June 2011

Escape From Poverty

When u escape the
Brutal and harsh state
Of poverty....
It's gives u a deep and
Insightful appreciation
Of what people who
Are suffering from
Lack of resources
Are going thru.....
Arrogance and ignorance on
Your part will do u no good...
They should be embraced..
And taken care of
Do your little part to make a difference in the world....
If u turn your back on people
Who u once were very
Much a part of
You would do well to be
Reminded of it's barbarous cruelty...(Poverty)
Turning your back on people that need u
Is inexcusable...
Poverty is a disease,a unexplainable....and harsh's a worrying and depressing reality....
People often say I wish I can help
I wish I can make a difference
Well u can....
The little u do goes a really long way
The demise of poverty starts wiv u....

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